2 Things you must know while Opening an Offshore Bank Account


There are numerous certain things that you must know before opening an Offshore Bank Account. Here are some of them:

  1.   The Most important benefits of Offshore Bank Account is:

Opening an offshore bank account is like putting your funds out of harm’s. For example, if you have $10000, in your offshore bank account, your government can’t draw off it off automatically. An offshore bank account also gives you more economic privacy – something in great demand in this progressively controlled world. Then there’s the suppleness that comes with having more than one bank account – in more than one country. This approach allows you to evade your wagers and keep your cash in discrete locations.

  1.   The Truth about Privacy and Anonymity:

Swiss bank has always been held up the highpoint of banking privacy, and it’s largely holds true. Even though they are under increasing pressure to observe with international norms. Most offshore banks will be enclosed by privacy protection measures, which could comprise such things as it being an illegal crime for a bank employee to reveal the particulars of any client’s financial affairs. However, these laws can usually be broken by the presentation of a court order issued on the basis of supposed criminal activity.

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Advantages of Offshore Merchant Account

An offshore merchant account comes with all advantage that a business owner need for his online business like; east application, safe and quick payments, low initial deposit and taxes and account security.

Around 80% of world population pay through credit and debit cards so it’s been need for business owners to accept credit or debit card payments it generates a lot of profit by increasing sales and cash flow in the business.

The Offshore Merchant Account has lots of benefits that the retailer and business will gain.

Easy Application – It is very easy to apply disparate of standard merchant account. The offshore merchant account provider have lots of competitors thus they can accept applicants to the maximum level for this reason they do not have strict guideline when it comes to accepting applicants for offshore merchant account. You can apply for offshore merchant account even if you are new, inexperienced or having small sized business. Set up time generally require a week, depending on the account provider you choose.

Low or zero initial deposit – A standard account provider may ask for huge amount of money as initial deposit from applicants. In an offshore merchant account the merchants do not have to worry about the same.


Accept Multiple Credit Card and Currencies – possession of this account grants the retailers the capability to accept a varieties of credit and debit card and different currencies all over the world. Domestic merchant account only limited to local currencies which backs the business to expand internationally. But in an offshore merchant account, different types of currencies are welcome especially that it is not limited to one country alone.

Some of the advantages are safety, security and privacy, Reliable Payment Gateway, Quick Payments, International Customers and shopping cart. Now many business are reaching at international level. This business needs such account for accepting credit and debit card payments from International consumers because domestic merchants are limited only to local area.

Various Fees Of Offshore Merchant Account

merchant account solutions in London UKAn offshore merchant account enables the business owners to accept credit and debit card payments around the world. Such account can be opened or set up with the help of an Offshore Merchant Account provider or processor. Offshore bank account providers charge a fee for their services to facilitate acceptance of international credit cards presented by their clients and also verify information provided by customers. The fees structure vary from company to company and mainly depends upon the type of services they serve. They have various features with offshore merchant account in their trolley like; tax reduction facility, operation simplicity, general asset protection and other related features.

The fees include in offshore merchant account is Discount rate, transaction fees, monthly minimum fees, charge back fees, reserve fees and in some cases even equipment and installation fees. Discount rate is created on percentage of each transaction that is paid to that merchant account provider. Transaction fee is a flat rate that a merchant account provider charges for each transaction processed. Monthly minimum fees are charged on merchant account if merchants? Discount rate and transaction fees are not able to achieve the monthly minimum amount that was specified on the original merchant application. Reserve fees are charged if merchants? Credit history is questionable, which is done by setting up a reserve account. This feature protects the merchant account provider from any possible future losses. Chargeback fees are charged by a merchant account processor to pay for disputed charges where the customer had to be refunded charged amount.

Do deep research in the market to get good deals in setting up an offshore merchant account that fulfills their specific business requirements?

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